Frequently Asked Question
Hosting Virtual NA Meeting with Zoom™️
Last Updated 5 years ago
Narcotics Anonymous does not endorse and is not affiliated with any organization or business referred to in this site.
Video Tutorial walking through creating a zoom meeting
Important things to note. In order to run meetings longer than 40 minutes the minimum zoom account that will allow for hour, or hour in a half meeting is $15 a month.
Zoom Tutorials
Once you have a Zoom account set up Follow these Steps
1) Schedule a New Meeting (Important in order to keep the same Meeting ID you either need to use your personal meeting room, or set up a reoccurring meeting)

2) Scheduling the meeting, is very important as this is the information that is going to be how people join your Zoom meetings, and what is required to join your meeting. I'll break down some important fields that should be changed to meet your meeting needs.
Topic: I used this section for my Meeting's Name.
When: When to start the first Virtual Meeting
Duration: How long is the meeting scheduled for.
Reoccurring Meeting: This is important, in order to have the same Meeting ID, and Link the meeting needs to be reoccurring.
Recurrence: Weekly
Repeat every: 1 Week
Occurs on: Days of your meeting
End date: When to end the scheduling of this meeting.
Registration: Unchecked
Meeting Password: Uncheck
Meeting Options
- Enable Join before host: This will allow people to join the meeting earlier than the host
- Mute participants upon entry: Enable this so late people don't come in talking / making noise.
- Enable waiting room: uncheck
- Only authenticated users can join: Uncheck
Click Save

3) Once the meeting has been created, you will see the following page, the most important piece of information on this page is the Join URL: where X's are your meeting ID, because this is the link that will take people to your meeting / or prompt them to download the zoom app. I would provide this link to your area web servant, and time days your are meeting.
Copy invitation, and Meeting ID will be important if you know there will be people joining via dial in, as many people won't know that the last 9 digits of the url are the Meeting ID, and Dial in by phone asks for the meeting ID #

4) There are more settings that can lock down the zoom to be as strict or loose as you wish, but some important things I found in the Settings section of the Admin panel.
Host Video & Participants Video Turned off, to not force someone to share their video.
Mute participants upon entry
Chat Choose to allow the chat feature or not, I checked the box for Prevent participants from saving chat
Uncheck File transfer
Uncheck Feedback to Zoom
Enable Disable desktop/screen share for users
Uncheck Annotation, whiteboard, & Remote Control.

*Posting Virtual Meeting Info to Area Website*
1) Log into your area joomla Backend.
2) Select Meeting Manager
3) Select the time of the meeting

4) Add the virtual meeting details to the special announcement section. (65 Character Limit)

5) How to Join information, Because there are Character limits in these sections, this is what I would suggest placing on the website under the meeting section.
Narcotics Anonymous does not endorse and is not affiliated with any organization or business referred to in this site.
Video Tutorial walking through creating a zoom meeting
Important things to note. In order to run meetings longer than 40 minutes the minimum zoom account that will allow for hour, or hour in a half meeting is $15 a month.
Zoom Tutorials
Once you have a Zoom account set up Follow these Steps
1) Schedule a New Meeting (Important in order to keep the same Meeting ID you either need to use your personal meeting room, or set up a reoccurring meeting)
2) Scheduling the meeting, is very important as this is the information that is going to be how people join your Zoom meetings, and what is required to join your meeting. I'll break down some important fields that should be changed to meet your meeting needs.
Topic: I used this section for my Meeting's Name.
When: When to start the first Virtual Meeting
Duration: How long is the meeting scheduled for.
Reoccurring Meeting: This is important, in order to have the same Meeting ID, and Link the meeting needs to be reoccurring.
Recurrence: Weekly
Repeat every: 1 Week
Occurs on: Days of your meeting
End date: When to end the scheduling of this meeting.
Registration: Unchecked
Meeting Password: Uncheck
Meeting Options
- Enable Join before host: This will allow people to join the meeting earlier than the host
- Mute participants upon entry: Enable this so late people don't come in talking / making noise.
- Enable waiting room: uncheck
- Only authenticated users can join: Uncheck
Click Save
3) Once the meeting has been created, you will see the following page, the most important piece of information on this page is the Join URL: where X's are your meeting ID, because this is the link that will take people to your meeting / or prompt them to download the zoom app. I would provide this link to your area web servant, and time days your are meeting.
Copy invitation, and Meeting ID will be important if you know there will be people joining via dial in, as many people won't know that the last 9 digits of the url are the Meeting ID, and Dial in by phone asks for the meeting ID #
4) There are more settings that can lock down the zoom to be as strict or loose as you wish, but some important things I found in the Settings section of the Admin panel.
Host Video & Participants Video Turned off, to not force someone to share their video.
Mute participants upon entry
Chat Choose to allow the chat feature or not, I checked the box for Prevent participants from saving chat
Uncheck File transfer
Uncheck Feedback to Zoom
Enable Disable desktop/screen share for users
Uncheck Annotation, whiteboard, & Remote Control.
*Posting Virtual Meeting Info to Area Website*
1) Log into your area joomla Backend.
2) Select Meeting Manager
3) Select the time of the meeting
4) Add the virtual meeting details to the special announcement section. (65 Character Limit)
5) How to Join information, Because there are Character limits in these sections, this is what I would suggest placing on the website under the meeting section.
Narcotics Anonymous does not endorse and is not affiliated with any organization or business referred to in this site.